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You made great videos. Others can't take them without permission

Creator Vault's team has access to specialist tools on Social Media Platforms that effectively maximises content monetization and copyrights protection for your, without any efforts from you

Welcome to creator vault

Unlock New Avenues of Income Through Your Content Library

Our revenue streams include licensing revenue from International Media Brands and TV Channels, earnings from unauthorised content access on platforms like YouTube, and promotion of your content a network of over 3000 paying partners. These services ensure maximised and diverse revenue sources and widespread distribution of our content.

Content Promotion

Unauthorized Access Takedowns

Unauthorizes Posts Advertising Incomes

Licensing Revenues


We assist in earning extra income from your content.

Creator Vault harnesses its deep industry knowledge and extensive relationships to support creators in generating passive income from their videos.

All while ensuring they retain full ownership of their creative work.


Earn passively while we monetize your library and protect it from unauthorized use, all while you maintain complete ownership of your clips!

rights management

Our team of intellectual property experts can assist you in safeguarding your entire content library against theft of intellectual property.

Monetize your Videos

Generate passive income from your video collection while retaining complete ownership rights to your creative assets.

exclusive benefits

Gain special access and discounts on products and services tailored for creators.



Absolutely Not ! Grant us only rights to monetise your content. You retain full ownership and copyrights to your video. It’s as simple as that.

Creator Vault is completely free to use and won’t have to pay for anything. We won’t send you invoices, request your credit card details, or demand payment. Our innovative approach of ‘we pay you instead of you pay us’ means we only take a percentage of the funds we recover, and ensure diverse revenue sources and widespread distribution of our content.

Click on Start Earning button to access our onboarding page and complete the account activation for it’s that straightforward. All we require from you is the legal authorization to carry out these services, and our onboarding checklist addresses those requirements.

Certainly. We provide a whitelist tool where you can add channel URLs for those you prefer not to be claimed.

No, our agreements with creators remain uniform and consistent for everyone. These contracts are designed to be fair, allowing us the necessary margin to develop and expand our services effectively while remaining competitive in the market.

With a network of over 2,000 creators, each operates under identical contract terms. You can be confident that our interests are aligned – Creator Vault only profits when you do. Our services are provided at no cost to you; instead, we participate in the revenue generated on your behalf

No, once we enter into an agreement with a creator, we consistently uphold the terms of that agreement. Honoring these terms benefits both CREATOR VAULT and the creators we collaborate with. When you engage with CREATOR VAULT, you’ll receive clear expectations regarding the agreement, and you can trust our commitment to fairness.

Many of our services require significant development time. For example, integrating your content library into our rights management platform and identifying unauthorized usage of your videos take considerable effort and time. Therefore, the contract duration must be adequate to allow for these processes to unfold and for revenue to accumulate gradually. While this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, it does offer a way to earn passive income from your existing content.

During the initial months of our partnership, we’ll integrate your content library into rights management tools offered by Meta, YouTube, and other major social media platforms. These tools will detect unauthorized uses of your videos, and if the page is monetized, we can then collect future earnings from those posts. Unfortunately, we can’t collect revenue retroactively. Additionally, when it’s strategically beneficial to protect your brand and generate income, we’ll employ DMCA takedowns. This legal step is taken seriously and requires careful execution, so we primarily use it for repeat offenders who knowingly violate your rights.

track your earning with

creator Vault


Offering transparency on your assets, identifying the most frequently stolen content, and displaying recouped revenues ready for payment.

Where videos become viral, creators gain prominence, and publishers discover trending clips.

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CreatorValut ©2024. All rights reserved.

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